ARC Discovery Projects: How to construct your Expression of Interest

Course description

Are you interested in applying for an ARC Discovery Project for funding commencing in 2025?

As you may already be aware, there have been some major changes to the Discovery Projects scheme for funding commencing in 2025. The scheme will be run in a two-stage application process, commencing with an Expression of Interest (EOI) which will comprise of a 2-page project description and a streamlined ROPE section. As such, these training sessions are available to assist with reshaping or writing your EOI in the new format required.

Presented by Nicole Thompson from Research Advantage Consulting, join one (or both!) of these online sessions about how to construct your Expression of Interest (EOI) project description.

Friday 8 December 2023

Grantscraft for the DP25 EOI project description

This session will cover:

  • Overview and drivers
  • Troubleshooting EOI formats
  • Interconnection of key EOI components 
  • Project description 2 pager including significance and innovation, research questions, project design, knowledge, capacity and benefit
  • Q&A 

Thursday 1 February 2024

Grantscraft for the DP25 EOI Team and ROPE

This session will cover:

  • Overview and drivers
  • Troubleshooting EOI formats
  • Interconnection of key EOI components 
  • Team/capability including CI: Career highlights, career and contributions, research outputs context, 10 career-best outputs and PI: CVs
  • Q&A 

These sessions will be run via MS Teams and a link will be sent to you prior to the session(s).

Please contact if you have any questions.

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