ARC for Health Research

Course description

Are you a health researcher who is considering applying for funding from the Australian Research Council (ARC)? If so, this session is for you! 

This session will also be useful for researchers outside of the health and medical fields. You will receive advice about how to pitch your research appropriately and avoid being deemed ineligible because of the Medical Research Policy.  

This session is relevant for all ARC schemes and all career stages. In particular, this session will provide:

  • An overview of the different ARC schemes
  • An explanation of the ARC Medical Research Policy
  • Examples of research that the ARC will fund vs. will not fund
  • Key differences between the ARC and NHMRC & MRFF
  • Several examples from health researchers about how they have pitched their research to the ARC
  • Advice to avoid common pitfalls

Professor Vincent Bulone, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Performance and Impact), will lead the session. He will be joined by health researchers who have been successful with various ARC schemes (e.g., Discovery Projects, Linkage Projects, Future Fellowship, and Industry Fellowship).

This session will be run via MS Teams. A link will be sent to you via calendar invitation prior to the session. 

Please email the Researcher Training, Development and Communication team at if you have any questions. 

Type of course

Information session

Upcoming events

Thursday, 26th June 2025

Time: 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Location: Web conference

Please remember if you can't attend a course anymore please unenrol yourself or move to the waiting list so others can attend.

Waiting list

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