Managing Work Integrated Learning

Course description

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is the term normally used to describe directed or supported educational activities that integrate theoretical learning and practical application in the workplace. These activities represent a significant part of many academic programs at Flinders University and may take the form of placements, practicum and field studies, in addition to on-campus, work-related activities and industry liaison.

All academic staff with an involvement in WIL activities are required to complete a program specifically designed to provide a clearer understanding of the elements of successful WIL at Flinders University.  This is compulsory for all new academic staff involved in leading and organising WIL and may also provide new and relevant information for staff managing existing programs.

'Managing Work-Integrated Learning' is delivered as an on-line FLO topic. The FLO topic, estimated to take 1.5 - 2 hours to complete

The FLO module can be accessed at

Type of course

Online course

Who should attend

'Managing Work Integrated Learning' is compulsory for all new staff involved in supervising, leading and managing WIL including placements and non-placement (simulated) activities.  It may also provide new and relevant information for existing staff managing WIL and other on-campus, work-integrated related activities and industry liaison.

What you will learn

  • the definition of WIL at Flinders University.
  • the educational purpose of WIL.
  • the University's policy, guidelines for the design of WIL topics, and the administrative procedures for student WIL placements.
  • tools to use in supervising and assessing students.
  • the support available for staff and students engaged in WIL activities.
  • models of good practice implemented across the University.

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