Word - Thesis formatting and working with long documents

Course description

This computer training course is for commencing Research Higher Degree Students, and should ideally be taken before our more technical word processing workshops.  Interested? Please read on.

Have you opened a word document and started madly typing? Then STOP. You may be surprised to know that what you think happens first should actually happen last, and vice versa! This A-Z of preparing your thesis document guarantees reduced stress when the deadline looms for handing in your thesis.


Thesis formating and Long docs handout (PDF)

Thesis_template (DOCX)

Thesis Cover page (DOCX)

Recommended styles for a Thesis document (PDF)

Type of course

Web conference


Abby Sesterka
Learning and Teaching Innovation

Who should attend

Research Higher Degree Students

What you will learn

In this workshop you will:

  • Identify potential problem areas in preparing your thesis document
  • Discuss how to lay out your thesis in accordance with University and discipline-specific instructions
  • Using styles simply and effectively as well as section breaks, headers and footers
  • The importance of referencing correctly in accordance with discipline-specific styles
  • Learn how to prepare your thesis as a professional document for examination, without any of the last minute panic of having to reformat it or chase up missing references
  • Upcoming events

    Tuesday, 6th August 2024

    Time: 3:00PM - 6:00PM
    Location: Web Conference

    Please remember if you can't attend a course anymore please unenrol yourself or move to the waiting list so others can attend.

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