CourseLoop Demonstration

Course description

CourseLoop, the university's new enterprise Curriculum Management System will be available for use in Semester 1, 2021.  

The implementation of CourseLoop will enable us to standardise the structure and presentation of curriculum information. It will establish relationships between courses, course components (majors, minors, honours programs) and topics and have the ability to manage non-award course information in the future. 

CourseLoop’s ‘Handbook’ publication module will provide students with an improved curriculum engagement experienced through clearer linkages between assessment and topic learning outcomes, an alignment between topic learning outcomes and the skills, knowledge and competencies required at the completion of a course and increased transparency of options (course components, topics) available within their chosen program of study. 

This CourseLoop demonstration will include: 

  • Curriculum Management Program brief overview 
  • CourseLoop Curriculum Management System demo
  • CourseLoop ‘Handbook’ publication module demo
  • Q & A 

Please note: no remote access is available for these sessions.

Visit  Curriculum Management Program for more information. 

Type of course

Web conference

Who should attend

Any staff who are involved with curriculum changes, including new course and topic proposals and changes to existing courses and topics.  

Prerequisites / assumed knowledge

No pre-requisites

Upcoming events

No upcoming events