How to create a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project - Library

Course description

Data management planning from the beginning of a research project helps to outline how data will be collected, stored and shared throughout, and beyond, the project lifecycle. Effective data management is also an important part of ensuring open access to publicly funded research data.  Having a data management plan is consistent with the responsibilities outlined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018. This 30-minute session will cover how to start a DMP, what your responsibilities are around managing research data, and where to find support. 

Type of course

Information session


Rachael Elliott
Research Development and Support

Who should attend

Research active academics and HDR students

What you will learn

  • How to access the DMP planning tool
  • What issues you will need to consider in completing a DMP
  • How to access help and support


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