Dr Tully Barnett considers
digitisation as a cultural practice and asks what is the impact of digitisation
and digitalisation on reading, book cultures and the literary experience. What
does it mean to be immersed in digital objects, networks, conditions and
interfaces within which the digitized/digitalized literary texts exists.
Reading studies (and Librarians) have
much to learn from digital humanities, comparative textual media studies and
infrastructure studies approaches and, important, the reverse is also
true. Central to this has to be a better understand of the story of
digitization as it shapes up to be the most significant project for humanities
scholarship into the future.
Dr Barnett uses the micro-examples of the journey of a text from material to digital to take into account the broader systems and infrastructures within which that digitization occurs.
She analyses examples of digitized objects where the material qualities of the original book disrupt the digitality of the digitized book and inflects this analysis with a growing body of interviews with librarians, project managers and technicians about the process of digitization practices.
This session will be presented online and a link will be sent to participants prior to the session.
Information session
Tully Barnett |
Mary Filsell |
This presentation considers some of
the factors at the heart of this interdisciplinary challenge, considering the
hybridity of the digitized literary object within a developing cultural history
of mass digitization projects and critical infrastructure studies. The object
rendered by digitization is neither exactly electronic nor print but is,
rather, a hybrid object displaying elements of both. Dr Barnett draws us in illuminating
these discussions in fruitful ways through the lived experiences of people
working in diverse digitization projects.
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