SoTL symposium

Course description

This Flinders Learning and Teaching Academy event focuses on developing skills in the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL). It includes ways to practice, disseminate and be recognised for SoTL activities and excellence in Learning and Teaching.

Details of each session are available within the three day schedule.


The Symposium will be hosted by Professor Michelle Picard, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching Innovation).

Other presenters will include a number of internal Advance HE Fellows and learning & teaching leaders from across Flinders University, plus external presenters Dr Jo-Ann Kelder and Professor Denise Chalmers.


Jo-Ann Kelder: Higher Education Consultant, editor of Advancing Scholarship and Research in Higher Education and Senior Editor (Special Issues) for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. Jo also served as Joint-Fellow, co-leading the inaugural Australian Council of Deans of Science Fellowship (2019-20).


Professor Denise Chalmers, Professor Emeritus in the field of higher education teaching and learning at the University of Western Australia, was awarded an OLT Senior National Teaching Fellowship on recognising and rewarding university teaching in 2015 and an Australian Award for University Teaching: Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in 2014. In 2017 she was awarded Life membership by HERDSA. She was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2022 for service to tertiary education and to professional associations. Recently, Denise was the recipient of the 2023 AAUT Career Achievement Award.

When and where

Day 1* - Thursday 11 April 2024 | 9am to 4pm | SILC building - rooms 05 & 06.

Day 2* - Friday 12 April 2024 | 9am to 4.30pm |SILC building - rooms 05, 06 & 07.

Day 3 - Tuesday 16 April 2024 | 1pm to 4pm | Online via Teams.

* Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be available on days 1 and 2.

How to register

There are a number of sessions you can register for:

If you would like to attend for a full day:

  • Register into that days full day session, and
  • Register into which concurrent sessions you will attend
  • We will automatically include you for plenary sessions, morning and afternoon tea, plus lunch.

If you're only able to attend individual sessions:

  • Register into the individual sessions you will attend and
  • Register into any morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea sessions you wish to attend.

Type of course



Michelle Picard
Learning and Teaching Innovation

Who should attend

Anyone interested in the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL).

What you will learn

  • How to develop your expertise and leadership in higher education.
  • How to engage in reflective SoTL writing.
  • Applying for a teaching award.
  • Disseminating SoTL research.
  • Applying for Advance HE fellowship recognition. 

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