Grant Writing: How to be a Narrative Ninja

Course description

How to be a Narrative Ninja......

Do you know the single most important thing that determines the quality of a piece of academic writing? You might think it is the idea that you have. Or perhaps it is the literature on which you base your research question. Maybe it is the theory you choose. While all these things are important, none of them is as important as the narrative that you construct in your writing.

The single most common reason given for rejection of grant applications and submissions to journals is lack of clarity in the narrative.

This workshop will show you why narrative is so important and how to construct a narrative for a grant application. There will be demonstrations of creating a narrative and opportunity to practice creating your own narrative for either a part of your work or your whole work.

All participants are asked to bring along an idea for a grant, ideally with a 100-200 word summary.

The presenter is Maria Gardiner from ThinkWell.

Please note that this session will be an interactive webinar. All registrants will receive the meeting link in a calendar invitation prior to the session.

Type of course

Web conference

Who should attend

Researchers who intend to write application(s) for grant funding, including: 

  • ECRs
  • MCRs
  • Established researchers

What you will learn

  • why narrative is so important
  • where you will find the narrative
  • the power of the 10 year old, and if that doesn't work, the border collie
  • how language gets in the way of narrative (initially)
  • how to recognise narrative in others work
  • how to write the narrative of you own piece of work

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