Manual Handling Training

Course description

General Manual Handling Session (2 hours)

Presenter: Either external or WHS Unit Advisor.
Maximum: Usually 10-12 people maximum for practical session.  Information sessions can be larger.

First part delivered as theory presentation on manual handling techniques and postures while lifting, pulling, pushing, restraining, etc loads.

Second part of the course is practical (for smaller groups) to undertake practical tips on handling loads or using mechanical aides such as sack trucks and trolleys.  This provides specific advice on the tasks the area undertakes and is often conducted in the area with the actual tasks.

CNHS Manual handling and CPR refresher

(on-line component 1 hour, practical component 3 hours)

Presenter: External provider.

Maximum: Usually 16 - 18 people maximum for practical session.

First part is an on-line theory component on manual handling and CPR which must be completed prior to the practical session. Once enrolled you will receive a username and password to complete the on-line theory component on manual handling and basic life support. Print both certificates and bring to the practical workshop for endorsement. 

Second part of the course is a practical workshop to undertake tasks in safe manual handling, use of sling lifters, slide sheets, “no lift policy” and basic life support including CPR. Endorsed by the Australian College of Nursing (CAN) and RACGP.

The practical workshop is held in the East Wing Simulation Labs.

Wear practical comfortable clothing and enclosed shoes.

Type of course



Other Presenters

Who should attend

Staff performing regular manual handling tasks as part of their job tasks.

Staff undertaking desk work should consider individual or group sessions involving workstation assessments / information sessions through the WHS Unit rather than this training.

What you will learn

Safe manual handling techniques

Practical approach to manual handling tasks

Prerequisites / assumed knowledge

Staff performing regular manual handling tasks as part of their job tasks.

For CNHS training - wear practical comfortable clothing and enclosed shoes.

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