Liquid Nitrogen Training

Course description

There are two versions of this course. One is presented by the College of Medicine and Public Health as a 'face to face' presentation. The second is delivered by the College of Science and Engineering as an online course via Canvas. Please be sure to select the course that corresponds to your college. Please refer to the Upcoming events on this page and if your college is offering a course select the enrol now button. You will receive an email confirming the details of the course.

College of Medicine and Public Health (CMPH)

Please watch the online LN2 safety presentation on the CMPH Lab Notes Team folder before attending the hands-on course. Meet outside FMC Room 6E120 before walking down to the LN2 room as a group. Please refer to hands-on course dates at the right-hand side of this screen for CMPH specific course times.

College of Science and Engineering(CSE)

This is required training for all personnel needing to transfer liquid nitrogen from pressure vessels into Dewars.

Please see the details on the top right of this page. Ensure that the course description contains the following "CSE Canvas Online (date/time = quiz deadline)" to avoid enrolling in the wrong course.

Please ignore the date of the course, as it is delivered online you can do it at your leisure. Try to complete the quiz by this date so that we can finalise your training records.

Once you have enrolled a link to Canvas will be sent to you.

Type of course


Who should attend

Researchers, higher degree students, technical staff, workers who must handle liquid nitrogen.

What you will learn

The hazards and controls associated with dispensing liquid nitrogen.

There are questions to answer following the video. However before you dispense and use liquid nitrogen you may be asked to demonstrate your understanding in a practical sense to your supervisor or laboratory manager before you can carry out this procedure alone.

NOTE: you must complete the quiz by the deadline listed in the course heading. If you require an extension then please make your request to before the cut off date. If you have not completed the quiz by the cut off date and without an extension, your enrolment will be deleted. You will then need to re-enrol in the next course advertised.

Prerequisites / assumed knowledge

Must have a university FAN to enrol.

Upcoming events

Friday, 28th March 2025 - CSE FLO Online - (Please ignore the date and follow the link in the email that you will be sent)

Time: 9:15AM - 9:15AM
Location: FLO2