NHMRC Ideas Scheme - guidelines and using Sapphire for your application

Course description

 This session will be run by Lucy Sheehan-Hennessy, Senior Research Grants Officer and will cover:

  • Ideas Scheme guidelines
  • how to use Sapphire for your application
  • timelines and application support

There will be time for questions and discussion.

If you have queries on any aspect of the NHMRC Ideas scheme please contact the RDS Grants and Tenders Team or the RDS - Senior Research Support Officer/s embedded in your College.

The session will be run online via MS Teams and a link will be sent to you prior to the session.

Type of course



Lucy Sheehan-Hennessy
Research Development and Support

Who should attend

  • Researchers and research support staff interested and intending to apply for an NHMRC Ideas grant

What you will learn

  • Overview of the scheme guidelines
  • Using Sapphire for your application

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