Professional staff are offered the opportunity to engage in individual coaching sessions with Pia Grimm, Senior Learning & Development Consultant. As a learning professional, Pia is passionate about enabling growth and development in others, and is an IECL Level 2 accredited coach.
What is coaching?
Coaching is a structured conversation with a measurable outcome that is collaborative and in the service of the person being coached, aiming to help them reach their potential at work.
Coaching conversations identify strengths and challenges, explore options for sustainable change, help to set goals, and gain commitment for actions.
It is most useful to bring a specific issue you want to work on to the coaching session.
What coaching isn't
Coaching is not performance management nor is it counselling. Expert advice and solutions are not a feature of the coaching conversation - the focus is on the staff member and coach working together to identify options, goals and actions.
Once you have enrolled via iEnrol, Pia will be in touch the week before to set up a 60 minute appointment time with you. Sessions are available via Teams or in person.
Should you be interested in recommendation or referral to an external, self-funded coach, please don't hesitate to contact the team at
One on One
Pia Grimm |
Individual coaching sessions are available for continuing and fixed term professional staff.
The coaching relationship is framed by adult learning principles and is a systematic strengths-based process of: