Meeting and committee support - online

Course description

Domain:Professional skills
Type:Foundation course

See where this course fits in the Professional Staff Learning Framework

This course, offered through Flinders Learning Online (FLO) provides information, examples and case studies to develop your skills and knowledge as a participant, chairperson, secretary or Executive Officer in meetings and committees.

You can choose your own learning path in the course - choose the topics you completed, check your understanding activities and practice case studies which are relevant to you.

You will need to self-register for this course. After you do this, you will be sent a confirmation email advising you have been enrolled in the course, and the link to the online content.

Type of course

Online course

Who should attend

Any staff member with involvement in meetings or committees.

What you will learn

Topics in the course encompass:
  • About meetings - covering roles, responsibilities and a glossary of terms
  • Preparing for the meeting - including setting agendas
  • Chairing a meeting
  • Taking the minutes
  • Being a meeting participant
  • Conducting elections

Prerequisites / assumed knowledge

Please email if you have any difficulties enrolling in the course, or if you have any questions about the content.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events