NHMRC & MRFF Peer Reviewer Panel Discussion

Course description

Are you interested in reviewing grants for the NHMRC or MRFF? 

Please join us for a panel discussion that will shed light on the peer review process at the NHMRC and MRFF, increase your understanding of the obligations and requirements of peer reviewers and provide advice that will assist with your next grant application.  

The panel will consist of Flinders researchers who are currently peer reviewers for the NHMRC and/or MRFF. The researchers will share their experiences with peer reviewing, explain how peer reviewing has influenced their own grant applications, and discuss the benefits and challenges of being a peer reviewer. Hosted by Lucy Sheehan-Hennessy, Senior Research Grants Officer, the panel will consist of:

  • Associate Professor Karla Canuto, Director Indigenous Health Leadership (Rural and Remote Health), College of Medicine and Public Health
  • Professor Ray Chan, Director, Caring Futures Institute, Professor of Cancer Nursing, Matthew Flinders Professor, College of Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Professor Claire Roberts, Professor and Matthew Flinders Fellow, College of Medicine and Public Health
  • Professor Jonathan Karnon, FHMRI Deputy Director (Theme Lead, Healthy Communities), College of Medicine and Public Health
  • Associate Professor Amy Reynolds, Associate Professor in Clinical Sleep Health, College of Medicine and Public Health

We hope that this discussion will encourage Flinders researchers to put themselves forward to be peer reviewers. Your involvement in peer review will help to broaden the pool of reviewers and could very well expand the expertise of the reviewers. 

NHMRC nominations: Self-nominations for NHMRC peer reviewers will open soon in Sapphire (approximate date: August); please see this page for more information. 

MRFF nominations: Self-nominations for the MRFF Grant Assessment Committee are on-going; please see this page to apply. 

This will be a hybrid session. You can join us in person at Alere Function Centre, L2, Student Hub or online via MS Teams.

If you have any questions, please email researcherpd.rds@flinders.edu.au.

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