Journals and Read & Publish Agreements: Waive goodbye to article processing charges - Library

Course description

Flinders University Library (as a member of Council of Australian University Librarians) has entered into several agreements with publishers (through both Read & Publish schemes and institutional memberships) to deliver Flinders researchers with discounted or entirely waived Article Processing Charges (APCs) when publishing open access in selected journals.

This 30-minute session will go through the finer details of these Agreements.

Type of course

Information session


Josephine McGill

Who should attend

  • Early and mid-career researchers 
  • Established researchers 
  • Higher Degree by Research students

What you will learn

  • The participating publishers
  • The journal list, including the Journal quartile rankings
  • Potential pitfalls: Caps, eligible article types, hidden costs
  • What to do when an article is accepted
  • Example of an 'author workflow' and the R&P process 
  • What if my journal isn't included in the agreement?

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