Finding funding opportunities: Navigating 'Research Professional' - 2020 updates

Course description

The Research Professional system is accessible to all Flinders staff interested in sourcing research funding opportunities, and gives users access to a powerful database of worldwide funding opportunities. 

Rene Logan - Sales Manager, Australia and New Zealand - will be visiting Flinders to hold Research Professional masterclass.

During this session you will be able to drive your own searches in real-time, with Rene there to advise and guide you through the system and its latest updates and features.The functions of Research Professional will be worked through. Simple keyword searches will initially be demonstrated, followed by more complex searches, using discipline areas and types of funding available through Research Professional.

Bookmarks for funding opportunities, and saving email searches and setting up email alerts will be demonstrated.

Flinders’ Research Community based in rural and remote locations will be able to access and participate in the workshop. Please indicate if you are from a rural or remote location when enrolling or contact Kirsty de Ruyter at

Type of course


Who should attend

Researchers; post grad students; research administrative support staff; anybody interested in finding out about funding opportunities across various funding categories.

What you will learn

By the end of the workshop part will be able to use Research Professional to:

  • Search for funding opportunities relevant to their field of research; career stage; types of funding needs
  • Share relevant funding opportunities with colleagues
  • Set up email alerts for new funding opportunities

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