Strategy development and delivery

Course description

This workshop aims to demystify the concept of strategy and equip participants with the knowledge and tools to think strategically and deliver it at any level of the organisation.

Together with Adam Thompson from Thompson Organisations, participants will gain an understanding of what is not strategy and learn the techniques and methodologies that lead to insights and momentum.

The work required to connect strategy to execution is studied, along with methods of overall strategic program management.

Participants will leave this interactive workshop with:

  • A draft completed strategy and execution plan
  • Confidence in their ability to both think and create strategy
  • Increased capability to turn strategy into work
  • A set of concepts and tools that can be used in both individual and group environments to develop and execute strategy
  • The overall ability to be more effective in their role through having the capability to strategically focus and execute

Type of course



Adam Thompson

Who should attend

This workshop is funded through the Professional Staff Development Fund and is available to continuing and fixed term professional staff members only. 

It is part of the ‘Leads the Organisation’ learning stream, which is designed for staff at levels HEO8 and above – who either lead a team as part of their role or lead projects across the organisation.

It is recommended that you speak with your manager prior to enrolling in this workshop as there are late cancellation fees.

What you will learn

Following this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the key elements of strategy development, and understand what is and is not strategy
  • Convene a group and successfully work through a process to gain strategic insight
  • Turn these insights into practical actions
  • Set up a feedback loop for ongoing course correction

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