Text Analytics for beginners: Part 2 - Participate and Create - Flinders Library

Course description

Text analytics enable researchers to deal with immense velocity, veracity, variety and volume of researchable text-based material that is now available.

This two part series will introduce participants to text and data analytics and assumes no previous knowledge. Part two (this session) is an interactive workshop where participants can explore running and adapting text mining and analytics techniques for their own research purposes.

In this session (part two), guest presenter Dr Sara King from AARNet will support participants in downloading a corpus of text and be guided through running and adapting text mining and analytics techniques using freely available tools in a cloud environment.

Participants are strongly encouraged to enrol in both sessions. Click here to enrol in Part One.

Please note that this is an online workshop and details will be sent to you prior to the session.


Participants will have a better experience if they use a laptop or a desktop computer.  Recommended, but not essential, is access to a second screen or a tablet or phone to help with managing multiple active windows.  Workshops are PC and MAC friendly.

Type of course


Who should attend

  • All researchers with little or no prior text-mining or programming experience that are interested in exploring using new research tools
  • Established researchers, Early Career Researchers, HDRs, Tech-Curious 

What you will learn

Part Two:

  • Set up freely available tools (Jupyter Notebooks in ARDC’s SWAN environment in Cloudera)
  • Run text mining analytics over a selection of text/s
  • Understand issues and challenges of working with text analytics tools
  • Be guided on other options for TDM.

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