Microsoft Teams: Teaching in Canvas

Course description

Participants in this workshop will get a basic overview of the meeting features in Microsoft Teams. Participants will be shown how to

  • manage the session's communication tools,
  • share screen content, and
  • record and share sessions for later playback.

Self-paced workshop

A self-paced version of this workshop is also available.


When should I study this workshop?

This workshop is best studied before you commence teaching in Canvas.

Type of course

Web conference

Who should attend

This workshop is designed for anyone using Microsoft Teams in their topics.

View the Canvas training pathways to see which workshops are right for you.

What you will learn

  • How to create Microsoft Teams meetings in Canvas
  • How to use the different methods of communication available in a meeting – audio, chat, video
  • How to share content on your computer
  • How to record meetings and share recordings with students
  • Use breakout rooms

Upcoming events

Thursday, 8th August 2024

Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM
Location: Web conference

Please remember if you can't attend a course anymore please unenrol yourself or move to the waiting list so others can attend.

Waiting list

To be notified of upcoming events, you can add your name to the waiting list.