What Makes a Good Research Presentation?
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Exploring Your Data (Descriptive Statistics, Graphs and Custom Tables)
Your Research and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
How to publish and promote academic work in the public policy space - Library
Library Induction for HDR Students and Researchers - Library
Finding Funding Opportunities: Navigating 'Research Professional'
Corporate Credit Card and/or FlexiPurchase User: Corporate credit card / FlexiPurchase user training
How to create a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project - Library
Social Media for Researchers
Partnering with Consumers in Lab-Based/Discovery Research
Learning and Teaching Academy - Portfolios spoke launch event
Warden Training
Chief Warden Training
Research FastStart Induction Program
Word - Thesis formatting and working with long documents
Finding policies and demonstrating their impact: an introduction to Overton
Human Research Ethics Information Session
EndNote Essentials