How do I comply with the open access policy for research? - Library (event full)
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: ANOVAs and non-parametric equivalents (event full)
Canvas: Marking assessments (event full)
Canvas Studio: Basics (event full)
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Longitudinal Data Analysis - Repeated Measures ANOVA (event full)
First Nations Researchers Collective Summit (event full)
Manual Handling Training (event full)
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Correlation (event full)
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library: CSE Picture Perfect Perfect Professional Headshots (event full)
ARC DECRA Development Workshop (event full)
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library: CMPH Picture Perfect Perfect Professional Headshots (event full)
Creating a Research Profile - Library (event full)
Social Media for Researchers (event full)
Conversations about performance (event full)
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library: CNHS Picture Perfect Perfect Professional Headshots (Sturt North Staff Room) (event full)
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library: CEPSW Picture Perfect Perfect Professional Headshots (event full)
Canvas Studio: Beyond basics (event full)
Supporting international students and enhancing internationalisation mini-conference (event full)
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Multiple Regression (event full)
FlinSafe System : FlinSafe Officer Training (event full)
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis (event full)
Supporting Student and Staff well-being (event full)
Content Manager - New User / Refresher Course (event full)
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library: CBGL Picture Perfect Perfect Professional Headshots (event full)
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library: Tonsley Picture Perfect Professional Headshots (event full)
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library: CHASS Picture Perfect Perfect Professional Headshots (event full)
Library Induction for HDR Students and Researchers - Library (event full)
Corporate Credit Card and/or FlexiPurchase User (event full)
Canvas: Gradebook (event full)
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Missing Data Analysis (event full)
Research FastStart Induction Program (event full)
Content Manager - Webclient Basic Course (event full)
Canvas: Planning and building assignments (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Structural Equation Modelling using AMOS (event full)
How to create a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project - Library (event full)
Understanding and Using your Research Metrics (event full)
Canvas: Planning and building quizzes (event full)
Making your research data openly available using Flinders Repository of Open Access Datasets (ROADS) - Library (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Scale Development (event full)
Canvas: Gradebook: Gradebook session for CNHS Topics (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Linear Mixed Models (event full)
FlinSafe System : FlinSafe - Incidents and Hazards Overview CNHS (event full)
Recruiting staff essentials - online (event full)
EO Online Modules 1-3 (event full)
New Staff Induction - online (event full)
EO Online Module 4 (event full)
Research Integrity Information Session (event full)
Indigenous Cultural Awareness - online (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Longitudinal Data Analysis - Mixed and Latent Variable Growth Curve Models (event full)
Media Training for Researchers with the Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC) (event full)
Canvas: Online Accessibility: Self-paced November 2023 (event full)
Responding to disclosures of sexual assault and sexual harassment - online (event full)