IBM SPSS - Intermediate: T-tests and non-parametric equivalents (event full)
Open Research Practices (event full)
IBM SPSS - Intermediate: ANOVAs and non-parametric equivalents (event full)
Public Holiday - Labour Day
Corporate credit card / FlexiPurchase Approver training
Corporate Credit Card and/or FlexiPurchase User: Corporate credit card / FlexiPurchase user training (event full)
FlinSafe System : FlinSafe Officer Training - HASS (event full)
Craft a Compelling CV Workshop (event full)
Curriculum design:constructive alignment and learning activities (event full)
Menopause Awareness for Managers (event full)
Recruitment guide for hiring managers (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Linear Mixed Models (event full)
Mental health first aid: 2-day face to face training - externally facilitated. This event incurs cancellation fees. (event full)
NHMRC Grants Overview and Other Health Funding Schemes (event full)
Authentic Assessment
Create a Pitch Perfect ResearchNow Profile - Library (event full)
Your Research and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (event full)
Content Manager - New User / Refresher Course (event full)
How to create a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project - Library (event full)
Unlocking Open Access: Navigating NHMRC, ARC and Flinders University Policies - Library (event full)
FLO: Online Exams (event full)
How to publish and promote academic work in the public policy space - Library (event full)
Introduction to Nectar Cloud (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Structural Equation Modelling using AMOS (event full)
Menopause Awareness for Staff (event full)
Influencing Psychological Safety: ½ day face to face training - externally facilitated. This event incurs cancellation fees. (event full)
Canvas: Marking assessments (event full)
Copyright and open licensing for publishing - Library (event full)
ResearchNow Information Session [Publications, Applications, Awards and Profiles] (event full)
Journals and Read & Publish Agreements: Waive goodbye to article processing charges - Library (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Scale Development (event full)
Avoiding Predatory Publishers - Library (event full)
EndNote Essentials (event full)
Essentials of project management: 1 day virtual training via Zoom - externally facilitated. This event incurs cancellation fees. (event full)
Library Induction for HDR Students and Researchers - Library (event full)
Canvas: Planning and building quizzes (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Complex Sample Survey Design / ABS and DSS Confidentialised Datasets (event full)
Welcome to Flinders (event full)
Navigating Performance Review and Development in Workday (event full)
EO Online Module 4 (event full)
Conversations about performance (event full)
Code of Conduct - online (event full)
IBM SPSS - Advanced: Programming in IBM SPSS (Syntax, Macros, Custom Dialogs and R programmability extensions) (event full)
ESOS compliance - online (event full)
Supervising at Flinders - online (event full)
Indigenous Cultural Awareness - online (event full)
DesignPLUS: Create engaging and eye-catching courses : Self-paced October 2024 (event full)
New Staff Induction - online (event full)
Responding to disclosures of sexual assault and sexual harassment - online (event full)
EO Online Modules 1-3 (event full)