
<< September 2024 >>

Family Friendly Forum: Supporting Work-Life Balance (event full)

ESOS compliance - online (event full)


Human Research Ethics Information Session (event full)

IBM SPSS - Introduction (event full)


Understanding Research Income: HERDC Information Session (event full)

Regional Rural and Remote Strategy consultation (event full)

Essentials of project management: 1 day face to face training - externally facilitated. This event incurs cancellation fees. (event full)

Regional Rural and Remote Strategy consultation (event full)

Corporate Credit Card and/or FlexiPurchase User (event full)


Introduction to Statistical Analysis (event full)

NHMRC Outreach: Recent Developments in the NHMRC (event full)

Strategic Networking: Half-day face to face training - externally facilitated. This event incurs cancellation fees. (event full)


Regional Rural and Remote Strategy consultation (event full)


Lead strategically through complexity and competing priorities: ½ day face to face training - externally facilitated. This event incurs cancellation fees. (event full)

ARC DECRA & Future Fellowships: Strategies to write and submit a successful application (event full)

IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Exploring Your Data (Descriptive Statistics, Graphs and Custom Tables) (event full)


How to create a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project - Library (event full)


Leadership Fundamentals (event full)

Finding Funding Opportunities: Navigating 'Research Professional' (event full)

Regional Rural and Remote Strategy consultation (event full)


FLO: Introduction (event full)

Regional Rural and Remote Strategy consultation (event full)


Warden Training (event full)


Warden Training (event full)

IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Missing Data Analysis (event full)


Where can I publish? Selecting a journal for your article - Library (event full)

Chief Warden Training (event full)


Warden Training (event full)

Content Manager - New User / Refresher Course (event full)


Warden Training (event full)


ARC Discovery Projects EOI Pitching Session for CNHS/CSE/CMPH (event full)

Library Induction for HDR Students and Researchers - Library (event full)


Manual Handling Training (event full)

Foundations of Inclusive Leadership: ½ day face to face training - externally facilitated. This event incurs cancellation fees. (event full)

ARC DECRA & Future Fellowships: Bid strategy and grantscraft (event full)

My career journey: Navigating career success in Higher Education (event full)

IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Correlation (event full)


Introduction to EndNote (event full)

Mid-Career Researcher Forum with the DVC(R) (event full)


IBM SPSS - Intermediate: Multiple Regression (event full)

Navigating Performance Review and Development in Workday (event full)


Liquid Nitrogen Training: CSE FLO Online - (Please ignore the date and follow the link in the email that you will be sent) (event full)

Laboratory Safety Supervisor Training: CSE FLO Online - (Please ignore the date and follow the link in the email that you will be sent) (event full)

CSE Laboratory Safety Training: CSE FLO Online - (Please ignore the date and follow the link in the email that you will be sent) (event full)

Plant and Electrical Safety: CSE FLO Online - (Please ignore the date and follow the link in the email that you will be sent) (event full)

Hazardous Chemicals Training: CSE FLO Online - (Please ignore the date and follow the link in the email that you will be sent) (event full)

Research Methodologies in Higher Education Learning and Teaching/SoTL (event full)

ARC Discovery Projects EOI Pitching Session for CHASS/CEPSW/CBGL (event full)


Radiation Protection Training: Radiation Protection training- online modules


Responding to students in distress - online

Event Safety Training (event full)

WHS Online Training for Managers and Supervisors (event full)

Driver Safety (event full)

Psychosocial Hazards (event full)

Canvas: Gradebook (event full)

Risk Management (event full)

Responding to disclosures of sexual assault and sexual harassment - online (event full)

EO Online Modules 1-3 (event full)

ESOS compliance - online (event full)

Electrical Safety (event full)

Field Trips (event full)

New Staff Induction - online (event full)

Laser Safety Training: Laser Safety Online Q3 2024 (event full)

EO Online Module 4 (event full)

Supervising at Flinders - online (event full)

Indigenous Cultural Awareness - online (event full)

Code of Conduct - online (event full)

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